BAMA Annual Meeting
Today the Bay Area Miata Association (BAMA) board and BAMA members met for our annual meeting which was hosted by Oaktree Mazda Dealership in San Jose, CA. We are grateful for their hospitality and to Frankie D. who works at the dealership and helped to arrange the meeting.
The Miatas were all parked in a row as they usually are before a drive. I’m sure they were happy to see each other again. It’s been several months, in some cases, since a lot of us have all been together. We were honored to have one new member, David, at the first meeting of the year and we hope to get to know him better this coming year. We already know he’s had his copper red Miata for four months and is getting married this October. Congratulations David and we all hope to get to meet your fiancé on one of our drives.
Everyone was excited to see some members return whom we haven’t seen in a while. The new board members were introduced and plans for drives throughout the year were laid out and discussed. The details can be found under the “Events” section of the website.
After our meeting Bob S. test drove one of the new Ceramic Metallic 2016 MX-5. We’re not sure yet if Bob traded his Miata, I guess we’ll find out on our next drive. Lookin’ good in the new car Bob.