BAMA held its annual meeting with a full house of attendees and welcomed the new BAMA board of directors for 2018 on Sunday, January 21. We were pleased to meet four of our newest members and have their participation in the discussions. We even had a couple of recent members volunteer to lead upcoming drives.
The agenda covered exciting plans for new drives and some overnight trips to be coordinated by our expanded event committee. New methods were proposed for making it easier for members to contribute ideas. Be sure to check the event calendar on the website and look for notifications on the BAMA Facebook page for scheduled events.
We want to give a big-shout out to the generous hospitality of OakTree Mazda for making their conference room available to us and for providing tasty sandwiches for lunch.
Many of us had fun looking at the new inventory of MX-5's. On the showroom floor, we got to checkout the latest MX-5 with the cherry red soft-top which was decked out with an added Brembo/BBS package and Recaro sport seats.
Stuart is a prospective member and is shopping for his first Miata. He seemed to really like this classic 1991 NA British Racing Green special edition.